Woodcliffe Park, NS

PROJECT: Woodcliffe Park Apartments Clayton Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia

ARCHITECT: J Douglas Miller – BMP Projects Dev Ltd. Bedford, Nova Scotia

CONTRACTOR: Peter and Steve Giannoulis Halifax, Nova Scotia

ENGINEER: Pinto Engineering Ltd Halifax, Nova Scotia

INTEGRASPEC® SUPPLIER: Kent Building Supplies Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia

ICF CONSULTANT: Kelvin MacPhee Halifax, Nova Scotia

FEATURES: This six story, 96 units, 150,000 ft2 apartment building was constructed with handset, suspended 8″ floor slabs. The contractor insisted on using their existing crew, wood bracing, and shoring. Onsite training and wood bracing were utilized with very professional results and speed.

BENEFITS: This property is on top of the highest hill in Halifax, and is exposed to the North Atlantic Ocean and high winds. All walls and floor slabs were poured during winter months with no heat required. This building was designed in conventional concrete construction, and converted to IntegraSpec® without waste or additional costs. Two months of construction were saved by the use of IntegraSpec®!

“Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a mature ICF marketplace. We had watched from the sidelines for the past fifteen (15) years. We were convinced that ICFs were energy efficient, but were confused by the numerous ICFs and all their claims. Mr. MacPhee took the time to explain the features and benefits of IntegraSpec® ICF. We are so impressed with the user friendliness of
IntegraSpec®, we are constructing a sister building to this one with IntegraSpec® ICF, to the delight of our crew.”

– Peter and Steve Giannoulis
