Net Zero Home, MD

PROJECT: Dr Poon Residence, Maryland

ARCHITECT: Phil Gugliuzza, Creative Outlooks

ICF INSTALLER: Great Naegeli Properties, Inc.

INTEGRASPEC® SUPPLIER: IntegraSpec Chesapeake, Riva, Maryland

FEATURES: First Net-Zero Energy Home built in Maryland, 10,750 ft2 Luxury Custom Built Home. Completely finished basement and attics. This six bedroom residence features 5½ baths, 10′ main level ceilings and basement ceilings of 8′. Dr. Poon requested radiant floor heat throughout and extensive ceramic tile to enhance the comfort and economical benefits of owning this home. Total ICF construction, Geothermal HVAC, PV-Solar, and Solar Thermal Hot Water.

BENEFITS: The result is a high performance building, one of the first in Northeast PA -that not only serves the Community as a much-needed new Facility, but also as a tool for teachers to incorporate Green Building and Sustainable Design concepts into their curriculum. Filled with bright, open spaces, vibrant colors and visible equipment and controls, students have first-hand experience and exposure to the benefits of learning in, and learning about, high performance buildings.

“This project represents everything we have been searching for. When you consider the size of this zero energy project and compare it to the automotive industry, you have the equivalent of a luxurious, powerful SUV driving from LA to NY with zero energy consumption. Truly amazing!”

-Mr. Allen Winters, President of Winters Concrete in Sebastopol, California

“We impressed all parties with the thirty day speed and accuracy of the IntegraSpec foundation and tall main floor walls. The exterior envelope sections were completed in one step, and provide the insulated thermal mass and air infiltration control that is the platform of zero energy.”

-Mr. Bill Naegeli, President of IntegraSpec Chesapeake

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