Pine Grove Church, ON

PROJECT: Pine Grove Church, Kingston, Ontario

DESIGNER: Nicholas Nikiforuk, Kingston, Ontario

CONTRACTOR: Volonteer Labors with IntegraSpec Supervision

ENGINEER: TAM Engineering, Kingston, Ontario


FEATURES: This 9,000 ft2 church is constructed with 8″ concrete cavity, commercial corners, radiant floor heating, five foot post compacted frost wall with brick ledge and integrated steel into slab. The side walls are 18′ tall, 128′ long, with 32′ high end gables. This project utilized IntegraBucks and has a 64′ scissor truss span. The IntegraSpec® wallsystem allowed the inclusion of multiple angled walls, sloping gables, and sloped step sills for roof trusses without waste

BENEFITS: Fast, accurate construction to lock up stage using volunteer labour – only two licensed installers on site, supervising volunteers, reducing overall costs and allowing the project to come in under budget. IntegraSpec® competed against other rigid block ICFs but was quickly chosen for its extremely low waste, utilizing the patented independent panels efficiently, especially in all of the gables.

“We were initially very impressed with IntegraSpec®’s versatility, strength, and accuracy. These features benefited us with a fast, professional ‘lock up’, as winter was fast approaching. We were further impressed as our volunteer work force quickly adapted to IntegraSpec®’s
‘User Friendliness’ and controlled our costs, without compromising our finished product. Highly recommended.”

– Doug Thompson P Eng
Pine Grove Church Building Committee Chair
