IntegraSpec Costs and Benefits vs Traditional Construction

Since the early 90s, Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) have gained popularity because it offers many extra benefits and savings. It is also well suited for all weather conditions and natural disasters. 

The biggest challenge that the ICF industry encountered was resistance to change.  Over the past several decades, the ICF products, manufacturing processes, and ICF tools have all evolved -resulting in better training, higher quality, and improved efficiencies. 

Word of mouth spread by satisfied customers sharing their energy savings and quiet and comfortable living space with their friends and loved ones has been our best marketing asset.  More and more contractors and installers have since adopted IntegraSpec ICF and refined their installation techniques – making it more competitive, quicker, on time, and on budget – delivering a far better and advanced sustainable building / end product.  

Below is a sample comparison / analysis for a single-family house (unfinished basement) in the Ottawa, Ontario area for a typical 2000 square foot [185.8 Sq/M] home, average quality finish; (does not include building lot, permits, sewer / water connections, or septic system / well) <cost data from>:

Cost Comparison

  1. IntegraSpec ICF Construction:
  2. Stick Frame Construction:

Short-Term Benefits of IntegraSpec ICF

Long-Term Benefits of IntegraSpec ICF

Energy Savings

Maintenance Costs

Insurance Savings

Market Value

Long-Term Financial Benefits

Total Estimated Savings Over 30 Years

Summary The short and long-term benefits are clear. Savings on energy costs, reduced maintenance, lower insurance premiums and increased market value make IntegraSpec ICF a more advantageous choice, even if the initial cost of building with IntegraSpec ICF is the same (or slightly more depending on the location) than traditional stick framing.  Homeowners looking for quiet, comfortable, worry free, sustainable, durable, and cost-effective housing solutions will benefit from choosing IntegraSpec.  By choosing IntegraSpec ICF for the above example of a 2,000 square foot [185.8 Sq/M] single family home, you can expect to save between $68,000 and $124,500 (+ interests and yearly appreciation) over 30 years.  If you or someone you know has a building project, send it our way and we will recommend a local qualified distributor / installer to give you or yours a free quote; 1-800-382-9102 or